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DigiLEAD - Newsletter 2


About the DigiLEAD project

The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly impacted all aspects of life and especially school education, pointing out important challenges and needs of all educational systems. The crisis, as well as the urgent call for the digitization of education in today’s society call for a need to upskill the competences of school leadership teams to develop and implement digital strategies in their schools.

This is what our project called “DigiLEAD: Supporting School Leaders to build a Digital Transformation Strategy” aims for: train the school leaders to understand the complexities of digital transformation, while also offering additional support to teachers and students to enhance their digital skills and competences.

Main Objectives:

More specifically, the project seeks to:

● Support School leaders and staff to develop a digital strategy and their digital skills.

● Develop school leadership teams’ competencies for leveraging free digital tools and resources for school improvement.

● Develop a practical toolkit, aligned with the DigCompEdu, with practical, step-by-step guides on how to design and deploy a strategy.

● Help schools to adapt and use the SELFIE and TET-SAT tools to support the digital strategy development.


  1. A Digital Transformation Strategy Toolkit for school leaders (already available)

  2. A Training Course for school leaders on developing digital transformation strategies (by February 2023)

  3. eLearning platform with mobile app on leading with technology (by November 2023)

  4. Collection of case studies and policy recommendations (by December 2023)

News on the project

The DigiLEAD consortium met face to face for the first time in Cyprus on the 28th and 29th of June 2022. Partners discussed the first draft of the Digital Transformation Strategy Toolkit for school leaders and decided the next steps for its finalization. A preliminary discussion was also made for the second result – the Training Course for School Leaders, which is

currently under development. Partners are now working on the modules, which will be used for the training of school leaders in Athens in March 2023.

The Digital Transformation Strategy Toolkit is now available on the project’s website in all partner languages. It consists of guidelines and rich educational material to support school leaders and leadership teams in developing and implementing a digital transformation strategy.

The partnership

​ (Coordinator)

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Chairman of the Management Board:

Prof. Dr. Roumen Nikolov (


Administrative Director:

Marin Barzakov (

49, Khan Asparuh St., Entrance A, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

+359 888804329

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