Interreg Danube Transnational Programme - DIGITRANS
Project value: 2106825.97EUR
EU contribution: 1790802.07EUR
Duration: January, 2017 to June, 2019
Project coordinator: MFG Innovation Agency Media and Creative Industries Baden-Wurttemberg(D)

The increasing digitisation of business processes by e.g. the Internet of Things or Industry 4.0 requires developing new business models for companies to remain competitive on global markets. There is no digital transformation without appropriate business transformation. Mainly SMEs from less developed Danube regions but also from strong regions such as Baden-Württemberg (DE) are suffering from the digital revolution as they still do not have enough competencies to cope with digital transformation’s challenges. Therefore DIGITRANS aims at developing a SME appropriate innovation method enabling SME to create competitive digital business models within a specifically setup incubator space.
DIGITRANS focuses on Creative Industries, Health and Advanced manufacturing - three sectors relevant to all Smart Specialization Strategies from the partner regions to pilot the innovation method and tools to be developed transnationally by the consortium. By developing a transnationally validated blended learning training programme in connection with a specific online learning environment, SMEs will be empowered and equipped with the relevant skills to handle their digital transformation process successfully and create competitive business models. To reach this aim the following outputs will be generated:
New digital business method
Validated innovation space with appropriate tools
Targeted e-learning environment allowing SMEs and business support organisation to learn independently
Documented business model cases demonstrating DIGITRANS method’s effectiveness
Blended learning training concept to deliver the DIGITRANS method in partner regions and beyond
Regional policy workshops and recommendations to support regional policy stakeholders to integrate DIGITRANS method into their digital strategy