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DigiLEAD - Supporting School leaders to build a digital transformation strategy 

The DigiLEAD project

With the Covid-19 pandemic impacting all aspects of life and more than 90% of the student population learning partially or fully from home, a strong need emerges: to reform EU schools by upskilling the competences of school leadership teams to develop and implement digital strategies in their schools, while also supporting teachers and students to enhance their digital skills and competences. This is the main aim of the DigiLEAD project, the first funded project that focuses on supporting school leaders.



  • to support school leaders, teachers and staff to develop digital transformation strategies and digital skills

  • to develop school leadership teams’ competencies for leveraging free digital tools and resources for school improvement

  • to generally improve the capacity of schools and education systems to engage in online education

  • to improve the undertanding of parents on the factors influencing successful online learning and their role

Target groups:


  • primary and secondary school leaders

  • teachers & support staff

  • learning designers & educational technologists

  • policy makers & public authorities

  • students & parent

 Project Results


  1. A Digital Transformation Strategy Toolkit for school leaders aligned with the DigCompEdu framework, containing guidelines and rich educational material to support the development and implementation of the relevant strategy

  2. A Training Course for school leaders on developing and integrating digital transformation strategies in their practices

  3. An e-learning platform with a mobile application on leading with technology, where all the material can be accessed

  4. A collection of case studies and policy recommendations, including lessons learnt, good examples of national implementations and practices

 Partners :


  1. ITD, Bulgaria (leader)

2.CARDET, Cyprus

3.UNIC, Cyprus

4. KMOP, Greece

5.RDPSEA, Greece

6.Municipality of Lousada, Portugal

7. ESHA, Netherlands

 Find us on social media

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union



The European Commission’s support for the production of this leaflet does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2021-1-BG01-4KA220-SCH-000032711

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Chairman of the Management Board:

Prof. Dr. Roumen Nikolov (


Administrative Director:

Marin Barzakov (

49, Khan Asparuh St., Entrance A, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

+359 888804329

© 2021 by ITD

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